February gardening tips

February 01, 2021 1 min read

February gardening tips

Hopefully this month will start to feel a little warmer, and the first signs of an approaching spring will make themselves visible. We can’t wait!

So, what to do in the meantime?

  • Prepare veg seed beds
  • Prune Wisteria, Clematis, Winter Jasmine, Hydrangea, Climbing and bush roses
  • Prepare netting to cover fruit and veg crops
  • Prune and renovate hardy evergreen and deciduous hedges
  • Divide bulbs such as snowdrops
  • Plant summer flowering bulbs, such as Allium
  • Sow Sweet Peas

Snowdrop flowers in winter snow

Depending on the kind of spring we may have, it is also possible to sow early seeds under glass with extra heat and light. If we have a warm spring, this may be easier, but if not, seed trays may need to be brought into the house or given the special treat of a heated propagator mat.

But, if the seeding goes well, it does mean the plants will mature earlier. Here’s some ideas about what you could seed under glass this month:

  • Aubergines
  • Beetroot
  • Courgettes
  • Cornflower
  • French beans
  • French Marigolds

And keep on top of greenhouse chores! Now is the time there can be real problems with Botrytis, or mould, in these environments as it’s cold and damp. Make sure to use water sparingly and check your plants regularly. On milder days open up the doors to the greenhouse and let some air circulate. If there is an attack of mould, remove all infected leaves. 

We’d love to hear what you’re up to in your garden this month!